Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Famous Dogs In History!

Toto is the famous terrier pet of Dorothy from L. Frank Baum’s Wizard of Oz series. Most famously, Toto was depicted in the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz, where he stood beside Judy Garland. He was even paid $125 a week, which was more than the human actors!

Old Yeller was a novel by Fred Gibson, but was most famously turned in to a movie in 1957. It’s a story about the friendship between young Travis and his faithful dog, Old Yeller. It has one of the most memorable scenes in movie history.

My Dog Skip was turned in to a movie in 2000 with Frankie Muniz. It’s a loving story about friendship and family. In shooting the film, a number of Jack Russell terriers were used to play the role of Skip.

Marley and Me was a movie most of us will never forget. This playful Labrador Retriever warmed the hearts of millions while he tore up his owners house.

This St. Bernard featured in multiple movies, the first of which appeared in 1992. The pet of the Newton family, he foiled multiple crimes including a testing lab and a gang of dog thieves.

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